Sunday, March 17, 2013

This Week In Photos #1

1. My little cousin and I | 2. Her drawing of me on her computer -_- | 3. Slutwalk with a friend! | 4. Another awesome poster from slutwalk | 4. OOTD on Thursday | 5. Me and a friend on our way to do some shopping | 6. OOTN for downtown | 6. Bus ride downtown | 7. After sweating it at the club, ready for some Five Guys |

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My Ezra Miller Obsession

My name is Porsha, and I have an addiction to Ezra Matthew Miller. And I don't think it can be cured.

One day in 2011, I was surfing the interwebz as I am usually wont to do with my free time. I stumbled on the tumblr Attractive Psychos where I saw this gifset:

Immediately I knew I had to find out what movie this was from and who was this delectable-albeit clearly disturbed-boy of my dreams. A quick google search led me to We Need To Talk About Kevin, then of course the actor who played Kevin, none other than Ezra Miller. And from there my obsession took off.

God Bless Tumblr Users

This beautiful collage is now my timeline photo on facebook.

perfect cover photo is perfect