Saturday, May 31, 2014


Hey guys! 

I just uploaded the "Get to Know Me tag" on my youtube channel so check it out below! I was really nervous to do this video, because I don't have much practice when it comes to talking face to face with the camera (which you can definitely tell in the video)-- but I wanted to start interacting with my subscribers more, and like they say "practice makes perfect", so I'm hoping the more videos I make the better I'll get over time. 

Thanks for watching!

Monday, May 19, 2014


On May 1, 2014 I graduated from the University of Central Florida with my Bachelor's of Arts in History and a minor in Political Science. I was able to finish the program in three years instead of four (it still felt just as long some of the time -____-). UCF wasn't my first choice, and my first two years there were sometimes really difficult. I dealt with homesickness, roommate drama, and everything in between. I'm probably going to make separate posts/youtube videos about my college experience, so I won't spoil it here. But here's a quick unintentional vlog I made on graduation day. My camera simultaneously took a video and pictures at the same time somehow and gave me this awesome video below. Check it out!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Intro and Re-vamping this Blog

Last year I was nineteen, sad and busy. This year I'm twenty, tired, and officially a college graduate. To quote my mom, I'm "getting my life together." I want to document my twenties on the internet (like any other good millennial) and comment on anything ranging from Real Housewives of Atlanta, to the effect of colonialism on West Africa. My interests are varied, and so am I. I want this blog to act as a time capsule, something I can look back on and see all the ways in which I've grown, and of course, stayed the same. I fear the future and the unknown.

This is a place to keep me grounded, but not stagnant.

This is a record.